According to Council Recommendation of the European Union (9237/22), the definition of “Micro-credential” is the following: ‘Micro-credential’ means the record of the learning outcomes that a learner has acquired following a small volume of learning. These learning outcomes will have been assessed against transparent and clearly defined criteria. Learning experiences leading to Micro-credentials are designed to provide the learner with specific knowledge, skills and competences that respond to societal, personal, cultural or labor market needs. Micro-credentials are owned by the learner, can be shared and are portable. They may be stand-alone or combined into larger credentials. They are underpinned by quality assurance following agreed standards in the relevant sector or area of activity». In other words, Micro-credentials are / or should be the small modules of learning outcomes stackable on existing qualifications of professionals as extra ones and which are necessary to reskilling and upskilling the individual qualifications to the current labor market needs.
One of matters that concerned the MICROIDEA partners was the evaluation of micro-credentials acquired through the learning that will be developed and implemented for a specific occupation during the project lifespan. For that reason, the MICROIDEA partners decided to use TÜV AUSTRIA which is an accredited Persons Certification Body, according to ISO/IEC 17024, as well as the requirements of this International Standard for the evaluation of professionals’ qualifications and acquired micro-credentials through non formal and informal learning which will be the project outcome. Certification of persons based on the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17024 is an internationally recognized and acceptable process of evaluating the qualifications of certified persons, with defined, transparent and widely accepted requirements and criteria that simultaneously ensures the repetition, objectivity and credibility of the examination results.
ISO/IEC 17024 Standard specifies principles and requirements that a Persons Certification Body as TÜV AUSTRIA shall comply with, in order to operate in a consistent, comparable and reliable manner and best serve market or governmental needs. The requirements include criteria and specifications concerning Persons Certification Bodies’ legal and organization structure, impartiality, finance, liability, resources’ management, records and information, certification process as well as management systems’ documentation and structure. Some of the advantages that ISO/IEC 17024 offers are: global recognition, high credibility and trust to interested parties, improved career prospects and competitiveness, continuous qualifications development and professional growth as well as compliance with job market requirements.
MICROIDEA project aims to produce a holistic methodology for establishing the principles for designing, issuing, assessing, validate and certificate micro-credentials commonly recognized in a European level, integrated into the existing quality assurance system and linked to the requirements of International Standard ISO/IEC 17024.