Project Partners

Meet the dedicated partners driving the MICROIDEA project forward. Our partnership is composed by a mix of Public and Private organizations and stakeholders combining researchers, practitioners and partners with the capacity to reach policy makers. Together we are committed enable the portability of micro-credentials between countries, employers, education and training and employments systems.

University of Peloponnese | Greece

The University of Peloponnese established in 2000 and accepted its first students in 2002. The University of Peloponnese central premises is located in Tripolis while schools and departments operate in other 6 cities (Tripolis, Corinth, Nafplion, Sparti, Kalamata & Patra) throughout Peloponnese and Western Greece Region.

Departments that host about 25.000 students are grouped under the Schools of:

(a) Agriculture and Food, based in Kalamata

  1. b) Administration, based in Kalamata
  2. c) Health Sciences, based in Tripoli.
  3. d) Engineering, based in Patras

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) belongs to the School of Engineering of the University of Peloponnese and is based in Patras.

The mission of ECE is to provide high-level education and research skills to students, in order to produce engineers with high-level knowledge and skills in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In particular, the Department develops the science and technology of Energy and Electrical Systems, Signal Processing, Communications, Networks, Electronics, Computers, Automatic Systems and Informatics, in all their areas of application.

The curriculum offers a basic education of six (6) academic semesters, followed by four (4) academic semesters, in which students specialize in four Electrical and Computer Engineering directions of: (a) Energy Systems, (b) Signals, Telecommunications and Networks, (c) Electronics, Computers and Systems, and (d) Informatics.

In second cycle of studies, ECE offers a Postgraduate Program entitled "Smart Information and Communication Technologies and Services". The purpose of this program is to develop technologies, models and methods for efficiently managing and processing big data, exporting knowledge and assisting decision-making in critical areas. Focuses on Smart Cyber-Physical Systems and Services, Advanced Technologies for Education and Business Analytics and Data Science. Emphasis is also given on familiarization and implementation of entrepreneurship and open innovation.

In the third cycle of studies, ECE offers a Doctoral Program in areas falling within the research interests and scientific fields covered by the Department, either exclusively or broadly.

The educational and research facilities of the Department are housed in four (4) buildings, where the theoretical and laboratory education of the students, is carried out. The Department has modern laboratory infrastructures that are sufficient for the practical training of students. In addition to the educational infrastructures, students have access to central facilities, such as central library, conference center, sport facilities, student housing facilities, restaurant and cafeteria.

ECE is strongly involved in research and innovation and actively participates in national projects (funding from General Secretariat for Research and Technology and from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, as also as from the private sector) and international projects (funding from Horizon 2020, Erasmus Plus, etc.). Undergraduate and postgraduate students are encouraged to participate in all relevant activities in a timely manner.

Today the research and development activities are hosted in the seven (7) recently established research laboratories of the Department:

  1. "Network Technologies and Digital Transformation"
  2. "Electronic Circuits, Systems and Applications"
  3. "Design of Embedded Systems and Applications"
  4. "Data and Media"
  5. "Microelectronics and Communications"
  6. "eBusiness & User Experience Design"
  7. "Interdisciplinary Semantic Interconnection of Symbiotic Educational Environments"

ECE makes a special effort to warrantee the European/international scientific and/or professional perspective of the graduates, through the adoption of the ECTS, the participation in ERASMUS+ exchanges, the participation in academic and research exchanges through bilateral agreements with countries that excel in engineering studies. The Department encourages students, faculty and staff to take active part in ERASMUS+ exchanges, under both learning and training agreements.

German Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce | Greece

It was founded in 1924 due to the importance of the Hellenic-German commercial transactions, is the tightening and growth of the Hellenic-German enterprising and commercial relations. The Chamber is the official institution for mediation and contracting of commercial relations, the official representative of German trade exhibitions and provides legal, commercial and economic advice. The chamber has 830 registered members in Greece and Germany which are served from both offices in Athens and Thessaloniki. Representing over 60 years German fairs in Greece, the Chamber represents officially the following exhibitions: Hamburg, Hanover, Berlin, Cologne, Munich, tuttgart and Essen, as well it collaborates with other exhibition organizations in Germany.With its established organizational structure, following standard business and accounting practises of the ’German Chambers of Commerce Abroad’ network, with 130 offices in 90 countries, the Chamber draws a highly efficient accounting department, modern communication structures and organization-wide project management techniques. The

Chamber provides also the dual training system for the last decade, in Greece, as well as know-how-transfer in the fields of renewable energy and information & communication Technologies through EU-projects and B2B platforms. The Chamber has a large experience in implementing programs that meet the demands of the market. The fact that the Chamber has over 800 member-companies (most of them representing the Tourism sector) depicts the fact that as an association can express the needs of the market.


Is a Consulting & Training organization consisting of a dynamic team of young individuals with expertise in project management, research, training, and educational development. The company aims to inform and support individuals, enterprises, and organizations regarding the exploitation of various European Call and National Funds, to develop their strategic objectives and meet their operational and educational needs. It offers high quality educational and consulting services to the Public and Private sectors in Cyprus and abroad and enhance and reinforce the competitiveness of enterprises through the promotion of innovation and education, the utilization of research outcomes and development of links with research institutions and the Exploitation and assistance for utilization of funding Schemes and Opportunities.

Eurosuccess aims towards a continuous improvement of its counselling and development activities. For this purpose, the organization is certified with the Quality system of ISO 9001:2015, which inspects and reviews the system at regular basis. Eurosuccess Consulting has been involved into more than 80 European-funded projects (e.g. Erasmus+, JUSTICE, COSME, LLP, Leonardo da Vinci), as well as National funded research projects (through the Research and Innovation Foundation - ΙδΕΚ), acting both as a partner and coordinator. Several past and outgoing projects have received recognition as examples of good practice by the European Commission. Has a vast experience, knowledge and capabilities gained, as well as the established network with public and private bodies in Cyprus and abroad.

Moreover, Eurosuccess Consulting is a proud member of the following bodies: European Forum of Vocational Education and Training (EfVET); International Trade Council; European Prison Education Association (EPEA); European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (KeyCoNet Network); European Network of Innovation for Inclusion; European Alliance for Apprenticeships, European Working Group of Innovation Consultants; Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI); Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB); Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI).

Concerning the VET sector, Eurosuccess Consulting is an accredited VET Centre by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, the relevant public authority as regards to training and education and the certified examination centre by the Aristotle Certification Training & Assessment (AcTA, Greece).


The Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) was founded in 1952 and is federally affiliated with the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI). The NCCI geographically covers the city and the province of Nicosia, Kyrenia and Morphou.

Since then, NCCI went through various stages of development which led to its present structure in order to pursue entrepreneurship and support to the Nicosia enterprises. It is private non-profit organisation financially independent. The Chamber is governed by a 20 member council which is elected by its members  every three years. 

Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry has played a leading role in the economic development of Nicosia and the wider district either by pursuing the realisation of vitally  important economic and investment projects or by developing supportive initiatives of its own in that direction.

The Aims of the Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The activity of the NCCI is multisided and is focussing on the following:

  • To actively pursue the Economic, Social, Cultural and regional development of the city, as well as the district of Nicosia.
  • To promote entrepreneurship and offer substantial services to its entrepreneur members.
  • To attend to its traditional role in resolving the commensurate problems of the business community of Nicosia on Industry, Trade and Services.
  • To follow contemporary topics and the wider economic issues and propose policy papers and initiate actions for the economic development of Nicosia.
  • To promote solutions on local/regional problems, through local, legislative bodies and public administration.
  • To undertake initiatives on R & D issues, innovation, and EU policies such as Green Deal and Digital Transition.
DomSpain S.L.U. | Spain

is a Training and Consulting Company active on a national and international level. The Training department of DomSpain develops educational programmes in the following directions: courses and workshops for adult learners, including foreign languages, ICT, cookery, dance and personal growth classes; VET: ICT, foreign languages, employability, work-based learning for NEETs and long-term unemployed; training for educators focusing on improving foreign language competences, use of digital tools and new teaching methods.

The courses and trainings are implemented in DomSpain premises as well as at 8 civic centres and 6 primary and secondary schools of the Tarragona province. Employs around 60 educators and count with around 1400 students each academic year. In the ICT field, DomSpain has acquired experience through

many years of protection of informatics infrastructures to offer to organizations, businesses, public bodies, and other entities integral solutions, which help them guarantee the cybernetic security. Also, DomSpain has a highly qualified team of information technology that has implemented various projects

on national and International level involving development of educational platforms.

DomSpain is a member of the International E-Learning Association, an international network of e-learning professionals, researchers, and students. DomSpain is accredited by the Employability Serviceof Catalonia as a consultancy, recruitment and training centers to coordinate local, national and international mobilities and internships of VET students. It is a member of EfVET, European Forum of the VET providers.


is a government-owned enterprise founded in 1886, headquartered in Reus and regulated by CatalanLaw 14/2002 and Spanish Organic Law 4/2014. Reus Chamber of Commerce is a public law non-profitorganization and is an organisation that groups together economic operators from all sectors of activity.

Represents approximately 30.000 companies (including the self-employed, entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises and corporations) from the city of Reus and the outlying areas of Baix Camp, Conca de Barberà, Priorat, Ribera d´Ebre and Terra Alta (a total of 99 cities and towns). Its function is to defend general business interests and organize events that encourage business competitiveness. As a government-owned legal corporate entity with full operational capacity, Reus Chamber of Commerce collaborates with public administrations and has remits and administrative public functions attributed to it by law, independently of those delegated to it by public authorities.

The Chamber represents and is targeted at service providers and industrial and construction companies:

Service providers as: Wholesale and retail trade, repair services; Transport and storage; Hotel and catering; Administrative activities and ancillary services; Information and communications; Financial and insurance activities; Real-estate agents and property developers; Professional, scientific and technical activities; Education; Health activities and social services; Artistic, leisure and entertainment activities; Others. Industry and energy operators as: Manufacturing industries; Supplies; Mining and other extraction activities and Construction

Reus Chamber of Commerce establishes systematic relations with businesses, chamber organisations, entities and government agencies to perform its function of encouraging business competitiveness and defending business interests. It maintains active exchanges with official chambers of commerce

throughout Spain and the world and its CoC network is one of the primary avenues of participation and influence, for the benefit of its members. Its network is used to integrate Catalan, Spanish, Mediterranean, European, Latin American and world chamber organisations.


is a Certification Body offering third party services in the areas of Technical Inspections, Audits, Certifications and Training.

TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has been active in Greece since 1994 and is a 100% subsidiary company of the Austrian organization TÜV AUSTRIA, which has a presence in more than 40 countries in Europe, the Middle and the Far East.

It is an accredited Inspection and Certification Body by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD S.A, active member of MLA) according to the Standards ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17024 and to the EMAS regulation and a notified body in the European Union (Notification Number 0906).

It has adopted a business methodology which incorporates years of valuable experience and a vision of providing optimal level of quality implementation throughout its scope of business activities.

The objective of TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS is to provide independent auditing services (known as Third Party) such as Technical Inspections, Audits, Certifications, as well as playing an important role in enhancing the knowledge and skills of employees in various specialized sectors, through its training


TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS has also established and applied transparent methods of objective and fairassessment of the employees’ qualifications, so as to result a valid and understandable persons’ evaluation regarding their knowledge, abilities and skills, having the relevant recognition nationally and/or internationally. Having developed and implemented several Certification Schemes for specific professional categories, according to the requirements of international standard ISO/IEC 17024

"Conformity assessment – General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons", it has produced well-designed and structured assessments schemes for specific professionals, using defined and transparent criteria for the evaluation and scoring of persons’ competences.

TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS has also participated in Sectoral Committees, Technical Committees, Working Groups and Specific Working Groups, in order to offer its expertise and knowledge in procedures of a standardization document so as they eventually offer added value to the relevant stakeholders and to the experts involved. Where no international standard (ex. ISO), regulation or guide exits, TUV AUSTRIA HELLAS has developed upon demand, private certification schemes/protocols/standards which ensure that materials, products, processes and services are consistently fit for their purposes.

In the tourism sector particularly, TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS provides independent audits and technical reporting in hotels, rental furnished rooms – apartments and organized touring camps according not only to international standards but also national legislation for their categorizations in stars and keys.

Moreover, TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS has developed and offers an ISO/IEC 17024 Accredited Certification Scheme for “Personnel in Companies in the Tourism Sector” in ten (10) specialties, such as: 1. Reception and Customer Service Employee 2. Call Center and Reservations’ Employee 3. Food and Beverage Sector Employee (restaurant / bar / conference waiter) 4. E-commerce & Hospitality Sales & Marketing Employee 5. Recreation, Wellness and Sports Activities’ Employee 6. Housekeeping Employee 7. Laundry-Linen Room Employee 8. Travel Agency Employee 9. Professional Cleaner 10. Guest Experience Expert (GEE) in Tourism.


is a polish expert’s organisation, which since 2009 provides services in the field of research, expertise and training in the area of labour market. Their priority is the quality of services which is why our team is composed exclusively of highly qualified specialists. They excel at providing most reliable data sources and intelligence for in-depth analyses in the areas of labour market and education.

They offer services in a number of thematic areas: Education: VET, HE, creating Qualifications Frameworks, linking the labour market with education, supporting non-formal and informal education; Labour market: analysing labour market/ employment policies, providing labour market intelligence, professionalising labour market services. Skills: studying the needs of the labour market / employers, analysing skills mismatch, supporting school-to-work transitions.

Social policy: Gender equality & diversity, poverty and social exclusion, family policy; Evaluation: Evaluation and assessment of the effectiveness of the EU programs and funds, impact assessment and the analyses of degree of implementation (European directives, national regulations), supporting evidence-based policy.

Institute for Labour Market Analyses offers comprehensive analyses of national, regional and local labour markets. Projects include cross-cutting analyses for various public administration bodies to support evaluation-based policy, as well as private companies which plan to open (greenfield investments) or relocate their business (or parts of it) in specific locations or regions.

Institute for Labour Market Analysis has been actively involved in conducting research activities aimed at the development of guidelines and implementation of Integrated Qualifications System in Poland. The primary objective of the Integrated Qualifications System is to ensure full comparability of diplomas and certificates and guarantee the quality of education and training.


EfVET ( represents currently more than 250 members from 37 countries in the EU and beyond, including Africa, South Asia and Australia, with a reach of approximately 200 000 VET professionals and 2.000.000 learners. The main scope of EfVET is the representation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) Providers at European level with the main purpose of influencing policies and decisions directly and indirectly affecting VET systems in Europe; the promotion of networking opportunities among Members facilitating their access to relevant information, resources and tools and acting as a key dissemination partner in different projects and initiatives carried

out by both Members and EfVET.

One of the highlights in terms of activities is EfVET annual Conference/Thematic Teams, bringing together annually over 250 participants from all over Europe and high-level speakers being simultaneously a cornerstone in terms of networking and sharing successful practices from Members with a widescale reach in terms of impact and dissemination.

Accordingly, EfVET takes part of several working groups set up by the European Commission and by other European Agencies whose work is directly related to VET, such as Cedefop or the European Training Foundation. EfVET has signed the EU Pact for Skills in 2021, is part of the Large-Scale Skills Partnership in the Digital Ecosystem (2022) and has been a member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships since 2016.


The Project Manager of the project UOP_ELKE, will be technically assisted by ACRONYM Ltd. – Acronym (GR), a research consultancy company, founded in 1991 as a private limited liability company, by economic and legal advisors with considerable experience in the planning, management, evaluation and monitoring funded EU programs and projects by International Donors, as well as in the development and implementation of economic and technical studies. The company is offering its services, to public agents, such as the European Commission, Ministries, Municipalities, and other public law entities, as well as to private agents, such as companies and enterprises in Greece and abroad. Main areas:

Technical assistance – Project management, Studies concerning regional development and other structural policies, Business Planning, and Evaluation Studies. Acronym will also take part to WP1,3 having an expertise in aspects such as Labor Market and VET. | Greece is an IT Consulting company focused on Training established in 2012 and located in Patras (Greece). Main objectives of the company is the provision of

  • quality IT and consulting services in business terms to companies and enterprises in all sectors of economy,
  • training services which address the needs of various target groups,
  • IT services, focusing on web development and creation of online educational platforms,
  • managing and developing of project services, mostly oriented to improve the quality of people, especially people who from socially vulnerable groups.

In addition, the company has a well established network as it has implemented up to now over 40 European Projects, with the collaboration of over 180 partners among 24 EU countries. It has implemented hundreds of National Projects and has more than 250 clients in the field of IT and business support. It is also remarkable that has numerous collaborations in projects even beyond Europe. Additionally, it is an active member of EFVET since 2012.

p-consulting is combining training and IT services by focusing to digital interactive training through developing and creating online training courses, educational games, gamification tools, web and mobile applications using new and innovative technologies totally respecting WCAG2.0 (accessibility protocols).

The company holds four European awards of the best practices, three awards in Greece and one in Lithuania. Its main aim is the digital transformation of businesses and organizations through the innovative exploitation of existing tools guaranteeing a swift, sustainable and effective process.


Last but not least the project team is completed with the participation of a very important Associated partner, the 3F, the United Federation of Danish Workers (3F, Faglist Faelles Forbund)/ the largest Danish labor union. The union was formed in 2004, from the merger of the Danish Women Workers' Union and the Danish General Workers' Union. In 2006, the Restaurant Trade Union merged in to 3F, while, at the start of 2011, it was joined by the Danish Timber Industry and Construction Workers' Union.

The 3F was an affiliate of the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions, and since 2019 has been a member of its successor, the Danish Trade Union Confederation(FH). 3F is Denmark's largest and most powerful trade union and unemployment fund. 3F secures better wage and working conditions for its members. They have collective agreements at more work places than any other Danish trade union. Amongst others they run training programmes for the upskilling and reskilling of there members.

3F’s main partners are so called "sister organisations". They are sector-based trade unions or federations having members from the same sectors that 3F organises in Denmark; Industry, Construction, Agriculture, Transport and Service. The regional programmes work in partnership with and support national/local trade union organisations. Most trade union partners are present at the workplace, for instance at a factory. Others coordinate and ensure exchange of experience between national sector trade union federations at the regional level. These are the Global Union Federations’ regional networks. On top of that, 3F has an international presence. 3F International is situated at the 3F federation office in Copenhagen, Denmark from where general management, programme development, monitoring, quality control, strategizing and documentation of results take place.

The three regional programmes are managed by 3F’s regional coordinators. They are together with their teams located in: Johannesburg, South Africa/ Managua, Nicaragua/Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Magda Peistikou

Magda Peistikou serves as the Head of Learning and Development at INSETE (the Institute of Education of the Greek Tourism Confederation). She holds an MSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Management, an MBA, and a PgCert. In the past year, she commenced her PhD studies in Event Management.

Since 2006, Magda has been active in the tourism, food, and events sectors, both as a lecturer and a practitioner. In 2009, she became the Editor-in-Chief of *Food Service* magazine and other business publications. Her work has been published in international journals and conference proceedings. In 2020, she began collaborating with the UNWTO as a training expert, participating in educational projects in Russia, Georgia, and Tanzania. In 2022, Magda expanded her career by becoming a mentor for food producers, some of whom have achieved international recognition.

Additionally, she holds the role of judge for both the Taste Olymp Awards and the Innovation in Politics Awards. In 2024, she joined the TEDxAthens teams as a media relations manager. She is also an experienced organizer of food events, overseeing everything from conceptual development to execution, with her work earning numerous accolades from professional associations and organizations.

Xavier Mudarra Pizarro

He holds a degree in Political Science and Administration with a specialization in International Relations, complemented by a Master’s in International Relations, Security, and Development, as well as a diploma in Teaching with a specialization in Special Education. In 2007, he began his career as a primary school teacher and worked for three years as a Special Education teacher. Since 2011, he has served as a teacher in various schools across Catalonia, excelling in the teaching of Business Administration and Management. Starting in 2017 at Institut Provençana, he took on leadership roles as Mobility Coordinator and Seminar Head. His experience also includes working as an educational technician at the General Directorate of Vocational Training and serving as an evaluator for Erasmus+ projects. Additionally, he has participated in European collaborative projects, such as eTwinning, and has employed diverse active methodologies, including project-based learning and simulation, the latter in which he has also been a trainer for business management simulation.

Mr. Yannis Tsichlis

With 34 years’ experience in hospitality, Yannis Tsichlis joined Grecotel S.A. in 1990 and held since then key managerial positions in Sales, Marketing, Communication and PR, contributing to the group’s evolution to the leading hotel chain of Greece. 
He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Athens and a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) with specialization in Marketing from the University of Sheffield, UK. 

He has taken part in numerous international product and executive development training programs.

 In his current role as Corporate Affairs Director, he represents the group to governmental authorities and trade associations and he is responsible for business relations, strategic partnerships and the ESG policy of the group.

*According to market statistics, Grecotel and Affiliated N.Daskalantonakis group ranks No.1 with 33 De Luxe & A’ category hotels (source ICAP, Greek Hotel Study, Nov 2024).

The Grecotel Hotels & Resorts are located in Athens, Attica, Crete, Corfu, West Peloponnese, Rhodes, Mykonos, Kos, Kalamata, Larisa and Alexandroupolis.

Kari P. Hadjivassiliou

Principal Researcher and Consultant at the Tavistock Institute (UK and Germany)and Co-lead of its EU/international portfolio of work.

Kari has over 30 years’ experience in international comparative research and evaluation, including the fields of employment and labour markets, school-to-work transitions and career trajectories, and inclusion of young people across the EU; welfare policies; education and training systems, vocational education and training and apprenticeships; and human and social capital development, including adult up-skilling and lifelong learning. Her interest and expertise lie in EU-wide research and policy, programme and process evaluation with a strong formative and stakeholder perspective.

Dr.Lukasz Sienkiewicz

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdansk University Technology. Coordinator of the Centre for Technological, Economic and Social Transformation (C-TEST) and one of the founders of the Institute for Labour Market Analyses. Graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics, where he also obtained his Ph.D. in the field of management science and habilitated doctorate in the field of social sciences. For over 20 years now he works as a research professional, leading and taking part in scientific, as well as business focused research. He specializes in the issues of human capital development and labour market intelligence, including digitization induced transformations and micro-credentials. Author and co-author of over 90 peer-reviewed scientific publications and 100 research and analytical reports for international organizations (European Commission, ETF, CEDEFOP, Eurofound, Inter-American Development Bank) and business practice.

Vicent D. Pastor Martorell

Technical Educational Advisor for the industrial fields in Vocational Education and Training of the General Directorate of Vocational Estudies of Generalitat de Catalunya.

Over 20 years of experience in education, project management, and organizational leadership. Specialization in curriculum design and development for vocational education programs in fields such as Mechanical Manufacturing, Installation and Maintenance, Energy and Woodworking. My expertise includes adapting educational frameworks, promoting active methodologies like project-based learning (PBL), and fostering international collaborations.

Throughout my career, I have successfully led projects in areas like teacher training, curriculum innovation, and strategic partnerships with public and private entities. Additionally, I have played a key role in coordinating foreign language programs and digital transformation initiatives, as well as organizing events such as vocational training fairs and competitions.

Dr Wojciech Stęchły

Dr Wojciech Stęchły is a qualifications system and microcredentials expert at the Educational Research Institute in Warsaw (IBE) and assistant professor at Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). He is currently involved in development of the Odznaka+ (a digital credentials application for micro-credentials and badges) as a chief expert for developing standards and quality assurance. Wojciech is involved in various activities related to development of skills ontologies and digital applications for counselling and exploration of qualifications, skills and occupations as well as in research on various issues such as VET and AE institutions and financing or transversal skills assessment.

Andreas Alexi

My name is Andreas Alexis and I have been a legal advisor for the last 14 years. My diverse work history exposed me to different areas of expertise and philosophy, with a focus in labor law, employment law, health and safety, and Anti-money Laundering.
In self-reflection, I am a determined, kind, and bold individual, who is very goal oriented. Once I identify and analyse a set goal, as part of my implementation stage, I apply detailed planning, study the relevant legislations and tools, and ensure that my deliverable is governed by a model that contains full development of suggestions while addressing any existing or possible problems, and that it includes suggestions and exposure to any potential risk.
I highly prioritize the Principle of Prevention which refers to obtaining timely insurance aims, legal opinions, or other effective recommendations.
Teamwork, gender equality in the workplace, stress management and the positive outcomes it brings, hard work done in a safe working environment, Lifelong Learning, caring and understanding in the workplace, flexible forms of employment, willingness to go the extra mile, and positive energy, are all part of my core belief system.
The above, is not just a personal description. I believe that it is a summary of what drives me to always strive for further development, to the mutual benefit of both my employer and myself.

Giorgos Giorgakis

Giorgos Giorgakis is the founder and Managing Director of Eurosuccess Consulting. He has graduated from the European University of Cyprus, with a Master Degree (MBA) in Business Administration in July 2008. He has developed, managed and implemented more than 90 EU and National projects (FP, LLP, JUSTICE, ERASMUS +, COSME, RIF etc.) Mr Giorgakis is also the Coordinator of the VET and training activities for Eurosuccess, which is accredited as VET Center by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus – the relevant public authority as regards to training and education. As regards to the participation of professional bodies and associations at EU level, Mr Giorgakis is the National Representative for Cyprus, at European Forum of Vocational Education and Training (EfVET). Under this capacity, Mr Giorgakis is actively participating into various working groups, trainings, events and conferences contributing in this way to the development of the EU strategies as well as supporting all relevant organizations, in Cyprus and abroad.

Iakovina Vardalachou

Iakovina (Vivi) Vardalachou (Mrs), is Physicist with MSc in Electronics and Director of Persons’ Certification Division in TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS since September 2013. She has 36 years of professional experience in quality matters and International Standards’ requirements as well as 28 years in certification sector. She has deep knowledge of International Standards’ requirements such as: ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17024 etc and since 1988, she deals exclusively with quality matters, Management Systems and International Standards, having been successively trained in all versions of the ISO 9001 standard, up to the current one, as well as in all accreditation standards ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17024 etc.

She is also quite experienced in Quality Management Systems’ Audits and has been recognized as Lead Auditor since 1996. During the period 1988 – 2005 she worked at INTRACOM SA. successively holding the positions of Head of Quality Control Department, Assistant to Quality Assurance Director, Deputy Director of Quality Assurance Division and Quality Assurance Section Manager. At the same time, from 1996 to 2009, she collaborated with Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT) and the Certification Division as freelancer and Lead Auditor for various Management Systems.

Since 2009 she is working in TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS and, up to now, she has developed and implemented up to 60 different accredited certification schemes for persons, according to the International Standard ISO/IEC 17024 requirements.

Sandor Karacsony

Sandor Karacsony is a senior economist at the World Bank, with a track record in research, policy advisory and operational work in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Previously he worked with Open Society Foundations, with the World Bank Executive Board as an advisor, and held various government and private sector positions in Hungary. His area of expertise covers employment, jobs, social assistance, education and skills, as well as monitoring and evaluation. Sandor has a special interest in development policy applications of data science and behavioral economics.

Giannis Tzimas

Giannis Tzimas is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Peloponnese. He has published a significant number of research articles in international journals and conferences. His current research activity lies in the areas of Net-centric and Service-Oriented Information Systems, Web Engineering, Web Modeling, Web Data Engineering, Big Data, Data Science and Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Digital Ecosystems/Digital Transformation for the Public Sector, and Bioinformatics.

From 2018 till now, he has been an external consultant for the World Bank in the field of information systems, IT solutions, and Digital Transformation for Social Protection, Labor/Jobs, and Education. He has worked on several projects in Europe and Central Asia (ECA), Africa, China, the Caribbean, and Pacific Island Countries (PICs). Was the technical coordinator and unit manager of the Internet Technologies and Multimedia Research Unit of the Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”, and the head of the Networks Operation Center of the Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi.

Athina Lazou

Special Advisor/EU Projects Expert at ACRONYM Ltd. Former Head of the Vocational Guidance and VET directorates of the Greek Public Employment Services (DYPA). She has a diverse experience as Director General and CEO with a number of Public Organizations that promote vocational training and reskilling / upskilling of unemployed and employees. She has collaborated with all Social Partners of the country. She has conducted (as project manager/leader) a series of innovative European projects and she was for six years the National Representative at the European Commission for ESCO as well as the OECD Mega Science Forum.